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Annan, Scotland    Follow On Twitter

APD Ltd office in Annan

With two offices located in Annan and Aberdeen, APD Ltd have been designing and installing state of the art process control systems up and down the country and overseas for over 25 years. Providing solutions to problems is what APD does best, so what happened when they came up against a problem of their own?

Things Were Starting To Go Wrong

As business was starting to really take off, Technical Director Jim Main realised that they way were running things was slowing down their growth:

We had a hotchpotch of slow Access Databases, Spreadsheets and Ledger Books. None of them were easily accessible or ‘talking’ to each other – a ridiculous situation for any company, never mind one with around 25 employees at the time. 

APD knew that they need to find a solution which could bring all aspects of their business together on one reliable, uniform platform that would grow with them.

Accounting Packages Just Don’t Cut It

The first thing the company did was to upgrade their exisiting Accounts system to see if it could handle things like quotes, but it quickly became apparent that it just wasn’t working:

Our Accounts package is great for accounts but definitely not for the day to day running of a company. Plus when we realised that once you commit an entry, there’s no go back without a lot of painful fiddling we knew it just wasn’t what we were looking for. We needed more.

APD Ltd Has Gone From Strength To Strength

Since embracing Ornavi fully as their business management tool, APD Ltd record all their customer, supplier, job and company information and say that this is saving the company enormous amounts of time and money:

Everything is connected so we are operating much more efficiently. For example we can knock up a 50 page quote ridiculously quickly.  Then if the quote gets accepted, a few clicks and we can start generating purchase orders, assigning team members to projects and eventually track job costings in real time. It’s incredible.

Even the employees who are always working on site, up and down the country love the time saving element of the system. They can access the information they need, quickly, easily, regardless of where they are.

Any Highlights?

Jim explained there is so much about the system that he and the rest of the team love but that there is one thing in particular that sticks out:

Ornavi has given me tremendous peace of mind and I don’t care what industry you work in, that is invaluable.


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